2020 was not all bad

Me and my shadow, a quarantine craft project.

Me and my shadow, a quarantine craft project.

It’s been kind of a year, huh? It’s been a challenging about 2020— global pandemic, rising threats of white nationalist terror, toilet paper shortages — so I have to admit the self-promotional act of updating my website has felt pretty low on the hierarchy of needs. But, even sequestered at home, this year hasn’t been a total loss personally, and this is my website and this is what it’s here for, so… Some 2020 highlights below. (And a couple 2019 ones that slipped through the cracks.)

SOLD FIRST FEATURE SCRIPT – At the beginning of this year I sold my feature script PAST & PRESENTS to MarVista Entertainment. It’s a time-traveling Christmas rom com that takes place in a department store and is secretly about the toxicity of nostalgia. If all goes well in this chaotic world it could go into production in 2021.

NEW LABS, READINGS, AND NEBRASKA – My play HUMAN RESOURCES was selected out of hundreds of submissions for the Great Plains Theatre Conference where it was slated for a staged reading. However, COVID pushed the actual conference until 2021. Again, if all goes okay in the next couple of months, I may head to Omaha in 2021.

 This fall, Antaeus Playwrights Lab, the playwright’s group of an award-winning actor-driven LA theater, selected me to be part of their weekly playwrights night. Great to be part of new theater community, albeit a Zoom-based one for now.

My play THE SISYPHI is a boulder that keeps rolling. I ended 2019 with a workshop of it at the Apprentice Company of the Actor’s Theatre of Louisville, and this fall it was one of Parsnip Ship’s selections for its COVID-friendly Play Club reading series.  

I received a commission through Playground-LA for my play about the millennia long history of the Bering Strait, TOWARDS TOMORROW ISLAND.

PUBS – I saw my name twice in print this year. This year I received a stack of Samuel French’s OFF OFF BROADWAY FESTIVAL PLAYS, 44TH SERIES which features my play A SMALL BREACH IN PROTOCOL AT BIG RICK’S ROCKIN’ SKYDIVE ACADEMY. I also contributed to the anthology THEATRE MAKER’S MAKING THEATRE WITHOUT THEATERS, a series of one page “plays” made during the pandemic.

So, it’s been a pretty okay year. Here’s hoping 2021 will let me leave the house.

Roguish Machine Shortlisted for Neukom Literary Arts Award


Roguish Machine, my play about the industrial revolution and gender and nostalgia and rebellion and more, has been shortlisted for the 2019 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Playwriting Award. The award distributed by Dartmouth University honors plays that explore humans’ relationship to computing. I’m delighted to be selected and that a play about brutally smashing new technology gets a little love from an institution dedicated to advancing knowledge and technical understanding.